‘Recovery & Uploading 4K’
Today was mostly about sleeping while uploading and backing up the 20-hours of 4K footage I shot on the 12-day trip happened in the background.
‘An invitation 2 a movie’
A good friend – Larry Grum – I’m Harold to his family and friends – have been sharing the Oscar ceremonies for nine years now. I think this year, 2018, will be the tenth we have done together. In January and February we frantically try to catch all the nominated movies before the ceremony. He suggested this Guillermo Del Toro film as something we could see together when I got back to town. I said sure. He requested Monday? I said sure.
The Shape of Water 2018
This is an unusual film by an unusual director. I know of him through my love of dark fantasy films like Mimic, Blade II and Hellboy. He showed a great control of all aspects of the film medium in those films and then I lost touch with his work when he made Hellboy 2 and Pan’s Labyrinth.