Day 299: ‘Anzac Day 299’ 2018

Day 299

Wednesday 25 April 2018  3.01pm

‘Anzac Day 299’  2018

Today, of course, is one those milestones when you’re working on a year-long project. There’s forty-five films still to see from the original hundred. It’s easy to count how many days left and easy to work out how many weeks left:

Sixty-six days   &

66 ÷ 7 =

9.42857143 weeks


Forty-six films

Five films per week

In forty-three weeks I’ve only watched fifty-four of the Top 100 Films in the Sight and Sound/BFI 2012 Critics List.

I’ve seen a lot more than that when you count all the other films I’ve seen by directors of one or two films on that list a hundred films.

This now an uphill battle.