It is 14 days to the minute when I started 100 Great Films in 365 Days (One Year) with The General (and created 100greatestfilms@gmail. com). Then 6 days later I watched it again and had a completely different reaction. Living with the undertaking for two weeks has eased my misgivings and it now feels more achievable. Despite the fact that after the first week I increased the 100 films to 150, and now, after week 2, it approaches 200 films. The research in the last ten days that now makes me want to embrace a wider selection than 150 films, has added a lot of additional important/influential films to the list.
What’s followed, has been an extraordinary second week of movie-viewing. Week 1, I called The General. Week 2 has got to be called Ingmar Week, viewing The Seventh Seal, Persona, Fanny and Alexander, Hour of the Wolf and The Virgin Spring, followed by Cries and Whispers. In Week 3, I’ve give myself a reprieve. Just Murnau’s Sunrise (1927) and Nosferatu (1922) while I still continuing breaking down and writing about Ingmar Week.