‘Cries and Whispers’ 1972
Suddenly is was Day 20 and I hadn’t written about Day 18. In Bergman Week, with so many deep or difficult films, it did become a bit overwhelming and I couldn’t move past Cries and Whispers. Everything for three days (despite the relief provided by Smiles of a Summer Night) has been about this particular Ingmar Bergman film which is the most powerful and the most moving and the most difficult to watch. Thankfully a lot of his films run 90 minutes or less, so it isn’t a great amount of time to sacrifice if I do what I did here which was watch it again.
Eventually I was brought back to Cries and Whispers for a second time in three days. Since Monday, I’ve explored reviews and critiques which are available on the internet. That brought me back to the film again to get a better understanding of how the flashbacks are to be taken by the viewer and what they reveal about the characters in the film. Very interesting to watch this film a second time. There is so much to see and to understand.